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Faith & Fundraising Conference 2026
February 23-26, 2026 | Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile

Faith & Fundraising is the premier conference for nonprofit fundraising, marketing, and leadership professionals who are guided by faith. It not only features the best in philanthropic thought leadership, but also invaluable opportunities to forge lifelong connections. Faith & Fundraising is presented by the Association for Christian Fundraising. 

Schedule Highlights

  • Sunday, February 22: Preconference Events: Affinity Group Meetings and Early Arrival Reception. Downtown Chicago Fun on Your Own
  • Monday, February 23: ACF Board Meeting, Master Classes, Opening Worship, Launch Party Welcome Event
  • Tuesday, February 24: Keynotes and Breakout Sessions
  • Wednesday, February 25: Keynotes, Breakout Sessions, Reception, and Awards Celebration
  • Thursday, February 26: Closing with Featured Speakers and Final Insights